Tuesday 2 October 2012

Fake Love Calculator - Make your special one believe it is a 100% match!

The 'Fake Love Calculator'. Make your special one believe it is a 100% match!
✔ No one knows it is a fake app, except you!
✔ A perfect app for valentine's day



LOVE CALCULATOR 2012 can tell you how compatible you're with your partner. All you got to do is provide your name and your partner's name. The love Calculator are designed in such a manner that it will tell you the percentage of success you with your partner in love.

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Love Calculator Make something more

No matter what score you get, it is recommended that you take a look at the suggestions below, which are all time-tested suggestions on building and maintaining a successful relationship.
1. Honesty
Honesty is the foundation of any successful relationship. Sometimes it could be tough to be honest, but it is definitely necessary. As the famous saying goes, love is nothing without truth.
2. Respect
We all feel hurt when being disrespected, especially by lovers. A relationship goes nowhere in absence of mutual respect.
3. Communication
Speak openly, listen truly. Differences lead to conflicts, solve them as soon as they arise, avoiding them will only make things worse.
4. Understanding
No one is perfect, accept your lovers as they are, stop expecting how they should be. Everyone has ups and downs, understand and help your lovers to go through their bad times.
Disclaimer: There is no guarantee of any kind that a relationship will or will not work out, please do not take the results of this love calculator too seriously.
Please enter the full names of you and your lover to calculate the chance of a successful relationship

How to Define Love

Love is just a four letter word that carries a lot under its belt. Love is a strong undefined emotion that has puzzled even psychologists. Love can have many definitions depending on what context it is being used. It is a virtue that exists in all aspects of life and so we experience it every day and sometimes we do not even recognize it. The word love can be used to refer to attitude or feelings either towards other or to oneself. Love is a global language understood by all even if they speak different languages.
 Love can be impersonal or interpersonal. Impersonal love refers to love of certain principles or even objects around us and people tend to be committed to such situation and are thus said to love the situations. For example a teenage boy who spends most of his time playing video games is said to be in love with his electronics. If sexual excitement is involved in this kind of love it ends up being paraphilia. There is usually a very strong connection to such objects.
On the other hand interpersonal love is the love between human beings. Interpersonal relationships help nurture interpersonal love and may exist between friends, couples and family members. Love that is not reciprocated is known as unrequited love and mainly ends up developing hate.
Love can be shown in a number of ways and some people show it buying gifts for the ones they love while others show their love by spending time with the ones they love. A person’s way of showing love is greatly influenced by their childhood and how much love they got. People with developmental disorder rarely experience love due to their psychological issues. Love helps us avoid conflict as with it we are able to build very strong bonds and rarely have time to focus on the negative.

Love Calculator What Helps You Find Your Soulmate

A love calculator calculates the percentage compatibility between to individuals and defines them as soul mates or not. Do they work? Well that question has different answers depending on who you ask and if you are an individual who believes in fate then your answer will be yes.

A love calculator will give you your partner depending on what you have in common and this is exactly how most people find love. We tend to look for people who are similar to us so the love calculator somehow gives you the results that you can get naturally by yourself.
Love calculators are controversial as mostly in the world we rarely end up being with people with similar traits as ours, we tend to find totally different people and this is because when we are looking for life partners our hearts choose the partner for us and not our head. This means that you will not just end up with a person similar to you but you end up with a person you are attracted to physically and emotionally.

Love calculator software’s exist in a number of varieties and basically include inputting two names and the percentage compatibility of the two individuals is calculated. They do not involve any complex structure and can be made with any programming knowledge. The accuracy of a love calculator depends on the number of questions it asks so if only the name is required it is not that accurate and may end up giving disappointing results.

Love calculators do not involve any spiritual powers as they are just soft-wares. They usually calculate compatibility using names which is not the most accurate method in the astrological world but most people still believe in them because they mostly give people the results they already expected. Whether true or not, love calculator is adored by a large group of people who believe in it.

How to Define Love ?

Have you ever thought that what is love actually? Love is a strong feeling or connection to a person or a principle. The feelings can be attractions, enjoyment or even affection and tend to influence our behavior or actions towards a certain individual or situation. Love is a virtue that rarely ends and it gives us insight to situations and determines our emotions.

For one to love other people they first need to love themselves genuinely and when they are truly in love they tend to feel a sense of excitement when they are around the one they love. Then they also tend to be very sensitive towards their feeling which sometimes is unexplainable. Love has a lot of power and may affect us negatively if we do not harness its power correctly. When the power of love is used properly it helps us achieve our goals even beyond our very own expectations.
Love has a few important characteristics which include:
  • Love is patient
  • Love does not boast
  • Love does not envy
  • Love is kind
  • Love connects two individuals more than just physically and moves to the emotional side and enhances comfort. For love to be real it should be experienced and not just felt.

 Love has 4 different types, agape love which is unconditional love and is much deeper than others and may involve helping another person with no expectation of them ever repaying you back. Eros love which is described as passionate love and mostly involves sexual connections much deeper than physical connection, it generally involves intimacy.
Philia love is another type of love which involves caring of others such as friends or family members by providing to their needs without expecting something in return and it is similar to agape love. This kind of love exists among people who know each other. Storage love is the last type of love and exist among family members but is not easily seen but it is known to exist. All in all, when one asks as what is love, tell them it is a never ending virtue.

What is Love?

Have you ever thought that what is love actually? Love is a strong feeling or connection to a person or a principle. The feelings can be attractions, enjoyment or even affection and tend to influence our behavior or actions towards a certain individual or situation. Love is a virtue that rarely ends and it gives us insight to situations and determines our emotions.

For one to love other people they first need to love themselves genuinely and when they are truly in love they tend to feel a sense of excitement when they are around the one they love. Then they also tend to be very sensitive towards their feeling which sometimes is unexplainable. Love has a lot of power and may affect us negatively if we do not harness its power correctly. When the power of love is used properly it helps us achieve our goals even beyond our very own expectations.
Love has a few important characteristics which include:
  • Love is patient
  • Love does not boast
  • Love does not envy
  • Love is kind
  • Love connects two individuals more than just physically and moves to the emotional side and enhances comfort. For love to be real it should be experienced and not just felt.

 Love has 4 different types, agape love which is unconditional love and is much deeper than others and may involve helping another person with no expectation of them ever repaying you back. Eros love which is described as passionate love and mostly involves sexual connections much deeper than physical connection, it generally involves intimacy.
Philia love is another type of love which involves caring of others such as friends or family members by providing to their needs without expecting something in return and it is similar to agape love. This kind of love exists among people who know each other. Storage love is the last type of love and exist among family members but is not easily seen but it is known to exist. All in all, when one asks as what is love, tell them it is a never ending virtue.

The Love Calculator

Welcome to this great invention of Doctor Love!

We all know that a name can tell a lot about a person. Names are not randomly chosen: they all have a meaning. Doctor Love knew this so he made another great invention just for the lonely you!
Sometimes you'd like to know if a relationship with someone could work out. Therefore Doctor Love himself designed this great machine for you. With The Love Calculator you can calculate the probability of a successful relationship between two people. The Love Calculator is an affective way to get an impression of what the chances are on a relationship between two people.

To find out what the chances for you and your dream partner are, just fill in both full names (both first and last name) in the two text boxes below, and press Calculate.
Please enter the two names to be analyzed: